Profile of VET organisation
Name of organization: BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH
Country: Austria
e-mail: [email protected]
Type of VET institute: Further education and training
Good practice title
En Vogue – training and activation for young women
Baseline / problem
En Vogue programme is funded by the AMS Vienna - office for young people, aiming to support young women, who are seeking for job, with only compulsory education (17-20 years) in their (re) integration efforts in the labour market. The programme has the overall aim to convey through attachment to the interest of young women in the areas of fashion, creative thinking and related topics, several key-skills for employment such as ICT and business knowledege on the basis of increased motivation to learn. The didactic model and the comprehensive and tailored learning materials used here were developed and successfully tested under an European project coordinated by BEST (Lifelong Learning Programme, Grundtvig, 2009-2011 -
Good practice: (Measures, instruments, criteria, indicators)
The following core-content are implemented during the 12-week En Vogue training programme:
• Clearing Refresher of Basic Skills , strengthening of responsibility & motivation
• Business skills Basic business knowledge and office management
• ICT skills Office applications, basic knowledge of web and layout design, transversal ICT skills
• English business skills Grammar, idioms, conversation and cultural sensitivity
• Placement Acquisition of practical work experience, build a network, internship
• Finishing the internship, active promotion and course completion Reflection of the internship experience , active job search and other career planning Accompanying peer groups following the approach of cooperative learning and providing learning experiences through professional exchange in small groups.
The accompanying single support offers coaching, social competences and outplacement. The general aim is to mobilise cognitive skills, promote entrepreneurship and creativity
Problems and constraints encountered and solutions found:
The implementation of the En Vogue programme requires a pedagogical team skilled on En Vogue Handbook and En Vogue Toolbox, in order to successful implemented the programme.