Virtual Library - Srednja strukovna škola Antuna Horvata

Name of organization: Srednja strukovna škola Antuna Horvata 

E-mail: [email protected]

Good practice title: Virtual Library - Srednja strukovna škola Antuna Horvata 

Baseline / problem:

During distance learning, you are not able to physically enter the school library, but that is why it is with you virtually - as a support for learning, but also as an incentive to spend free time at home useful and creative. 

Good practice:

Use of virtual reality in teaching

Name of organization: Trgovačka i komercijalna škole Davor Milas, Osijek 

E-mail: [email protected] 

Good practice title: Use of virtual reality in teaching 

Baseline / problem:  

"Augmented reality" ie virtual reality is an innovative teaching method adapted to the so-called. "global" students. Students of the Davor Milas School of Commerce and Commercial from Osijek were given the task to place photos of animals from their home environment on digital platforms. 

Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje Krapinske Toplice

Name of organization: Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje Krapinske Toplice 

E-mail: [email protected] 

Good practice title: Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje Krapinske Toplice 

Baseline / problem: Considering that most of our students in the adapted program do not have enough necessary ICT skills, for now we have organized a weekly delivery of educational materials to home addresses (personally delivered to parents at home addresses and made over 600 km in one day!)

New tools in teaching vocational subjects – Drvodljeljska škola Zagreb

Name of organization: Drvodljeljska škola Zagreb 

E-mail: [email protected]

Good practice title
New tools in teaching vocational subjects – Drvodljeljska škola Zagreb 

Baseline / problem
During the distance learning in the Carpentry School Zagreb, the need to introduce new digital tools into the teaching process was recognized. Professor Ankica Rebrović will try to describe some of the tools she uses every day in teaching.