Statistics: Benchmarking Quality Assurance in Work-Based Learning (for Educational Institutions)

In this section you may find overall statistics of the data inserted by educational institutions, regarding apprenticeships and work-based learning, that can be filtered by country and by type of educational institutions.  The section provides real-time information about what is going on in work-based learning and is a valuable support for policy planning. 

Select Criteria


Section: Relation with system

Question: Our educational institution provides WBL that meets the requirements of the national qualification structure or the law of education.

Not at all true22%
Somewhat true1213%
Mostly true1820%
Completely true5562%

Question: Our educational institution has specific procedures, which help organizing the adaption of the provided WBL to the national legal framework.

Not at all true33%
Somewhat true78%
Mostly true1820%
Completely true5966%

Question: Our WBL programme is certified by national or regional institutions.

Not at all true78%
Somewhat true1213%
Mostly true89%
Completely true5966%

Question: Our WBL programme is part of a larger vocational educational programme that leads to formal qualification.

Not at all true33%
Somewhat true78%
Mostly true67%
Completely true7180%

Question: Our WBL programme is in accordance with a larger vocational educational programme.

Not at all true22%
Somewhat true33%
Mostly true2225%
Completely true6067%

Section: Characteristics of WBL programme

Question: Required facilities for WBL are available in our educational institution.

Not at all true67%
Somewhat true1921%
Mostly true3034%
Completely true3236%

Question: Our WBL programme is clearly structured.

Not at all true22%
Somewhat true1213%
Mostly true3438%
Completely true3944%

Question: Theory is strongly related to practice in our WBL programme.

Not at all true22%
Somewhat true1315%
Mostly true4146%
Completely true3135%

Question: Students participating in our WBL programme have the possibility for mobility in our country.

Not at all true1112%
Somewhat true2022%
Mostly true1921%
Completely true3742%

Question: Students participating in our WBL programme have the possibility for transnational mobility.

Not at all true1618%
Somewhat true2022%
Mostly true1820%
Completely true3337%

Question: The content of WBL is relevant for the student’s current work in the company.

Not at all true33%
Somewhat true78%
Mostly true4045%
Completely true3742%

Section: Focus on students

Question: Our WBL is in accordance with the students’ expectations.

Not at all true33%
Somewhat true1315%
Mostly true5764%
Completely true1517%

Question: The objectives of WBL are clear to our students.

Not at all true22%
Somewhat true1112%
Mostly true4348%
Completely true3236%

Question: Our WBL takes into account the students’ needs and attitudes.

Not at all true44%
Somewhat true1921%
Mostly true4146%
Completely true2427%

Question: The students have a reasonable workload for their WBL.

Not at all true56%
Somewhat true1011%
Mostly true4348%
Completely true3034%

Question: The students receive feedback from their teachers on their WBL.

Not at all true33%
Somewhat true1416%
Mostly true4045%
Completely true3135%

Question: Our educational institution offers equal opportunities in the access to our WBL programme.

Not at all true56%
Somewhat true1112%
Mostly true3135%
Completely true4146%

Section: Communication and agreements between partners

Question: National institutions or other relevant stakeholders in our country support our educational institution regarding WBL.

Not at all true78%
Somewhat true2831%
Mostly true2528%
Completely true2831%

Question: We have an agreement between our educational institution and the companies on WBL, specifying the responsibilities of both parties.

Not at all true44%
Somewhat true910%
Mostly true1416%
Completely true6169%

Question: We have an agreement between our educational institution and the student on the WBL programme.

Not at all true44%
Somewhat true910%
Mostly true1719%
Completely true5865%

Question: Our teachers collaborate on WBL with the in-company trainers.

Not at all true78%
Somewhat true1011%
Mostly true3236%
Completely true3944%

Question: We communicate with companies on student achievements in WBL.

Not at all true67%
Somewhat true89%
Mostly true4146%
Completely true3337%

Question: We communicate results of WBL to stakeholders such as the Ministry, Chamber of Commerce etc.

Not at all true1618%
Somewhat true2933%
Mostly true2022%
Completely true2326%

Section: Monitoring and assessment

Question: Our educational institution systematically monitors and evaluates our WBL.

Not at all true56%
Somewhat true1315%
Mostly true4551%
Completely true2528%

Question: We monitor the retention and dropout rates of the students in our WBL programme.

Not at all true67%
Somewhat true1921%
Mostly true2730%
Completely true3640%

Question: Our educational institution monitors the work of our teachers in WBL.

Not at all true67%
Somewhat true1112%
Mostly true3640%
Completely true3539%

Question: The progress of the students’ learning achievements in WBL is monitored by our educational institution.

Not at all true78%
Somewhat true1315%
Mostly true3337%
Completely true3539%

Question: We measure student’s satisfaction on WBL.

Not at all true67%
Somewhat true2730%
Mostly true3034%
Completely true2528%

Question: The assessment of students’ learning achievements is strongly related to theory and practice in our WBL programme.

Not at all true44%
Somewhat true1416%
Mostly true2730%
Completely true4348%

Section: WBL teachers

Question: Our leaders take responsibility for WBL in our educational institution.

Not at all true44%
Somewhat true1213%
Mostly true2528%
Completely true4753%

Question: Our WBL teachers are supported by the leaders of our educational institution.

Not at all true33%
Somewhat true44%
Mostly true3438%
Completely true4753%

Question: Our WBL teachers have completed initial training and continuing education for WBL.

Not at all true67%
Somewhat true1315%
Mostly true2427%
Completely true4551%

Question: Our WBL teachers have a license/accreditation for carrying out WBL.

Not at all true1112%
Somewhat true1112%
Mostly true2022%
Completely true4652%

Question: Our WBL teachers have all required competences for WBL.

Not at all true22%
Somewhat true1011%
Mostly true3236%
Completely true4449%

Question: Our WBL teachers are coaching and supervising the students.

Not at all true33%
Somewhat true56%
Mostly true3236%
Completely true4854%

Section: Future perspectives in WBL

Question: Our WBL programme contains future needs of the labour market.

Not at all true22%
Somewhat true2225%
Mostly true3843%
Completely true2730%

Question: Our educational institution is innovative with regard to WBL.

Not at all true67%
Somewhat true2124%
Mostly true3438%
Completely true2831%

Question: Our educational institution continuously improves the WBL programme.

Not at all true44%
Somewhat true910%
Mostly true4348%
Completely true3337%

Question: The content of WBL is relevant for the students’ future jobs.

Not at all true22%
Somewhat true1517%
Mostly true3539%
Completely true3742%

Question: Our educational institution promotes the excellence and attractiveness of our WBL programme for future students in public.

Not at all true33%
Somewhat true1315%
Mostly true3539%
Completely true3843%

Total answer count : 89