Statistics: Benchmarking Quality Assurance in VET (for Educational Institutions)

In this section you may find overall statistics of the data inserted by VET institutions, regarding quality assurance in VET, that can be filtered by country and by type of educational institution.  The section provides real-time information about what is going on in VET and is a valuable support for policy planning

Select Criteria


Section: Planning

Question: Stakeholders needs and expectations

Not started00%
Some progress19%
Considerable progress873%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved218%

Question: Strategy, targets and performance indicators

Not started00%
Some progress19%
Considerable progress327%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved764%

Question: Co-operation with VET providers

Not started00%
Some progress00%
Considerable progress545%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved655%

Question: Quality assurance and improvement

Not started00%
Some progress19%
Considerable progress655%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved436%

Question: Definition and implementation of responsibilities

Not started00%
Some progress19%
Considerable progress545%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved545%

Question: Taking into account national and European policies

Not started19%
Some progress19%
Considerable progress764%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved218%

Question: Communication of objectives to staff

Not started00%
Some progress19%
Considerable progress655%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved436%

Section: Implementation

Question: Partnership with learners and providers

Not started00%
Some progress19%
Considerable progress655%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved436%

Question: Human resources development

Not started00%
Some progress19%
Considerable progress545%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved545%

Question: Planning of material and technological resources

Not started00%
Some progress19%
Considerable progress436%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved655%

Question: The key persons of the implementation

Not started00%
Some progress218%
Considerable progress655%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved327%

Question: Definition of needs in human resources

Not started00%
Some progress00%
Considerable progress982%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved218%

Section: Evaluation

Question: Involvement of stakeholders in evaluation

Not started19%
Some progress218%
Considerable progress545%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved327%

Question: Evaluation of staff performance and satisfaction

Not started00%
Some progress218%
Considerable progress545%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved436%

Question: Internal and external evaluation

Not started00%
Some progress218%
Considerable progress545%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved436%

Question: Evaluation of learners satisfaction

Not started19%
Some progress218%
Considerable progress436%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved436%

Question: Performance evaluation

Not started19%
Some progress19%
Considerable progress655%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved327%

Question: Risk management

Not started19%
Some progress218%
Considerable progress545%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved327%

Section: Review

Question: Actions of improvement

Not started00%
Some progress327%
Considerable progress764%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved19%

Question: Communicating evaluation results

Not started00%
Some progress19%
Considerable progress982%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved19%

Question: Enhancing reactivity

Not started00%
Some progress218%
Considerable progress436%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved545%

Question: Capitalisation of experiences

Not started00%
Some progress218%
Considerable progress545%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved436%

Question: Learner feed-back

Not started00%
Some progress00%
Considerable progress873%
Close to fully achieved or Fully achieved327%

Total answer count : 11