TUKE has a quality policy and objectives for distance online education in study programs, and TUKE MS Teams and TUKE Moodle are the main supportive tools.

Technical University of Košice (TUKE) Stakeholder: Person or organisation that can affect, or be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision or activity.
TUKE Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS):
- E-Learning strategy: To increase the competitiveness and efficiency of education, TUKE supports internationalisation and interdisciplinary e‐learning study programs.
- Risk management strategy: To identify risks and opportunities concerning the standards for IQAS and support the process approach and risk-based thinking of employees through regular training in this area.
E-Learning inputs:
- Labour market: applicants from praxes
- VET organisations: secondary schools, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
- Experts from praxes: authority from practice
- Educators: the person responsible for the study program, teachers responsible for the profiling courses, and other teachers involved in the course
- Learners: TUKE students
TUKE external environment::
- Virtual Learning Environment: MS Teams. Example of the procedure for students how to link to the online lecture (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)
- e-Learning: TUKE/Teacher/Moodle
- Learning Management Systems: TUKE Moodle
- Personal Learning Environment: TUKE/Teacher/Moodle
Monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement: (https://www.tuke.sk/wps/portal/tuke/university/vnutorny-system-kvality):
- Policy: Point 2. Monitoring, review, approval and improvement policy of IQAS at TUKE
- Objectives: Point 2.4 Improve student-centred learning, teaching and assessment by monitoring and reviewing study programmes.
Learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes defined by study branch, consistent with the scope of the course and study programme; described in terms of the competencies for the level to which the competencies will be achieved; and specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. An example of good practice is described at the internal quality assurance evaluation portal https://res.tuke.sk/ in the following structure:
- Skills
- Knowledge
- Competency
According to the Long-Term Strategic Plan of the TUKE and TUKE objectives, a common strategy for limitations reduction (https://www.tuke.sk/wps/portal/tuke/university/legislativa-univerzity)
- Finance: Increase income from project and business activities by developing research and development activities and project activities.
- Knowledge
- Technical support
- Risk: The degree of uncertainty in the critical group "big risk" is as small as possible.
E-Learning process:
- VET provider's policy, strategy and objectives for e-learning: (https://www.tuke.sk/wps/portal/tuke/university/vnutorny-system-kvality)
- Support for trainers and trainees for e-learning (TUKE Institute of Computing Technology)
- Infrastructure support for E-Learning (TUKE MS Teams, TUKE Moodle, ICT classrooms)
- Study programme/course design, development and approval for e-learning: Internal (Standards for approval, management and quality assessment of study programmes at TUKE)
E-Learning training program evaluation procedures: Board of the study programme, Accreditation Council of TUKE, Accreditation Commission of TUKE