Profile of VET organisation
Name of organization: BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH
Country: Austria
e-mail: [email protected]
Type of VET institute: Further education and training
Good practice title
NEW WAYS for persons aged 30 and older - AMS Vienna region south
Baseline / problem
The programme " New ways for people aged 30 and older - AMS Vienna Region South " - which is carried out by BEST in consortium with the Weidinger & Partner GmbH -, supports since June 2012 the AMS jobseeker people older than 30 years old to have the opportunity of have 12 weeks experience towards a sustainable professional perspective, in the coverage of training needs and especially for (re)integration efforts in the labor market. - At least 15% of the participants from the course have directly access to open job positions - 30 % of participants have received an employment relationship within 3 months after the end of individual course - 80 % complete this path in a positive way Other qualitative objectives include, in particular : - Recognition and development of individual skills and derivation of professional options and realistic chances on the labour market - Mediation for a realistic assessment of the labour market and its development - Development of a realistic and sustainable future career planning - Development of individual strategies of self-motivation and action plan - Clarification of any placement constraints and development of solution scenarios - individual support and counselling - Development of strategies for dealing with failure or frustration - Activation of self-help potential, independence and decision-making skills - Activation of teamwork and networking skills - to improve social skills - Provision of specialist knowledge - qualification to increase professional opportunities - Expert assistance in finding employment with a focus on self-reliance - Special support for women and migrants - Variety of support services available (support with personal concerns and problems, individual assistance in active job search, etc.) - Individual learning support and coachin.
Good practice: (Measures, instruments, criteria, indicators)
Core-contents of the “New ways” programme are:
• Clearing
• Information, career guidance and workshops
• Modular qualifications: ECo –C, sales and customer-orientation
• Individual training and education in the "free" VET market , including individual training accompanied
• Application Office and Learning Centre (in the group and individually)
• Work placement and outplacement, individual supervision
• Identity and Integration
• Individual application support after the course.
Problems and constraints encountered and solutions found:
The implementation of the “New ways” programme requires a counselling and training team skilled on methodologies and tools, in order to successful implemented the programme.