Benchmarking tools aim to support development of quality assurance processes in vocational education and training and work-based organizations by offering several possibilities.

Use the benchmarking tool to:

  • find out what the indicators for quality are that you can influence
  • see if your organisation scores high or low on the indicators
  • use the low scores for actions to improve those quality indicators
  • compare your organisation with similar organisations in your country
  • compare your organisation with similar organisations in other countries
  • see where you score lower than other organisations, and use that information for action to improve the quality at that point
  • see where you score higher and try to keep it that way
  • compare your scores later when you fill the questionnaire again, and see if your actions have led to better scores

There are four different benchmarking tools, one new developed in the framework of the BEQUEL project, two developed in the framework of the project and one older developed in the framework of the BEQUAL project (2008) and expanded in the framework of the projects  BEQUAL+ (2011), EXPANDVET (2012) and (2014).

The new benchmarking address educational institutions, the other two benchmarking tools address educational institutions and companies which offer apprenticeships and work-based learning, while the old one addresses Vocational Education and Training institutions.

Benchmarking Quality Assurance in Work-Based Learning (for Companies)

Benchmarking Quality Assurance in Work-Based Learning (for Educational Institutions)

Benchmarking Quality Assurance in VET (for Educational Institutions)

Benchmarking Quality Assurance in E-Learning

To enter the tool you either have to be registered (for the first time) or use your user name and password. Note that only one profile per organization is eligible to ensure credibility of results.